Hybrid Core API v2

The Hybrid Core API refers to a Partner’s hybrid cores, related objects and resources.

You can use the API to query information about infrastructure of hybrid cores, e.g. get an overview of all hybrid cores, an overview of all assets related to any hybrid core or about a specific hybrid core and it’s assets. Also you may consume the API to get an insight on CPU, memory and distributed/rocket/object storage resources workload and nodes application.

To interact with the Hybrid Core API, you need a user with access to a Partner account on gridscale.

The reference documentation can be found in the Partner Panel, with administrator-level access.


In order to use the API, you need to set your user UUID and a valid API Token in the header section of any request. Both are available via the web GUI of the in introduction above mentioned Partner Panel account you’ve access to.

Example for shell authentication headers:

	curl \
      -H "X-Auth-UserId: {USER_UUID}" \
	  -H "X-Auth-Token: {API_TOKEN}" \

You must replace {USER_UUID} and {API_TOKEN} with your personal user UUID and API key.`


For pagination you can set a page number and/or a page size. You need to consider the syntax page[PARAMETER] where the PARAMETER placeholder is either named number or size. The value of the page parameter defaults to value 1 if not explicitly set and the value of the size parameter defaults to value 50 and is restricted to not reach this default value if explicitly set by the consumer of the API.


For filtering you can set several parameters depending on the view/route you’ll request. You need to consider the syntax filter[PARAMETER] where the PARAMETER placeholder is needed to be replaced by filter parameter defined as being valid for respective view the request will be made on.

Following filters are available and allowed for GET on …

  • /hybrid-core/v2/hybrid-cores
idstringFilter by the ID of the hybrid core. It's name and unique identifier.
  • /hybrid-core/v2/hybrid-cores/:hybrid_core_id/assets
idstringFilter by the ID of the asset. It's name and unique identifier.
node_typestringFilter by the node type of the asset, which can either be compute, distributed_storage or object_storage.
node_typestringFilter by the status of the asset, e.g. active, staged or failed.


For sorting you can use query parameters to rule the order of the output you’ll request. You need to consider the syntax sort[PARAMETER] where the PARAMETER placeholder is needed to be replaced by sorting parameter defined as being valid for respective view the request will be made on. The sorting defaults to ascending order, which is represented by the query parameter value +. If you want to have the responded hits ordered descending, then you explicitly need to set the query parameter and assign the - as value.

Additionally, it is worth mentioning that the sorting by asset resource (memory and storage) usage covers sorting by percentage and raw value where the sorting by percentage always precedes the sorting by the raw value. So the sorting by resource usage covers a relative order view considering both, the percentage and the raw value.

Following sorting is available and allowed for GET on …

  • /hybrid-core/v2/hybrid-cores
idSort by the ID of the hybrid core. It's name and unique identifier.
  • /hybrid-core/v2/hybrid-cores/:hybrid_core_id/assets
idSort by the ID of the asset. It's name and unique identifier.
node_typeSort by the node type of the asset.
statusSort by the status of the asset.
memory_usageSort by the asset's RAM usage. The ordering affects assets of compute node type.
storage_usageSort by the asset's storage usage. The ordering affects usage of three storage types, namely distributed, object and rocket (local) storage where the latter mentioned belongs to compute node type assets and the two previously embody node type assets of their own kind.

The ordering between the sort query parameters is affected by their sequential arrangement. Finally and already mentioned above, all sort query parameters (e.g. for GET /hybrid-cores/:hybrid_core_id/assets at least sort[id], sort[node_type], sort[status], sort[memory_usage] and sort[storage_usage]) default to ascending ordering if not set. So the sequential arrangement of the query parameters in the request rule the priority. E.g. if sort[storage_usage] would be set and sort[id] wouldn’t explicitly bet set, then still the ascending ordering by ID would be at hand, but would be dominated by the ascending ordering by storage usage.

Example requests

You can fetch an OpenAPI spec file at /api/v2/doc via

    $ curl -s \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -H "X-Auth-UserId: {USER_UUID}" \
      -H "X-Auth-Token: {API_TOKEN}" \
      -X GET "https://api.gridscale.io/hybrid-core/v2/doc" | jq

If you want to get the list of all hybrid cores you need to request like

    $ curl -s \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -H "X-Auth-UserId: {USER_UUID}" \
      -H "X-Auth-Token: {API_TOKEN}" \
      -X GET "https://api.gridscale.io/hybrid-core/v2/hybrid-cores" | jq

If you need information about a specific hybrid core, you either can use the id as filter query parameter with syntax filter[id] in curl command of above displayed code snippet or make a GET request on a hybrid core’s detail view as shown in followong curl-command where hybrid core with ID vv10 is wanted to get a view on and is placed as path parameter at the end of the URL.

    $ curl -s \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -H "X-Auth-UserId: {USER_UUID}" \
      -H "X-Auth-Token: {API_TOKEN}" \
      -X GET "https://api.gridscale.io/hybrid-core/v2/hybrid-cores/vv10" | jq
To inquire the list of all assets belonging to a specific hybrid core you can do

    $ curl -s \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -H "X-Auth-UserId: {USER_UUID}" \
      -H "X-Auth-Token: {API_TOKEN}" \
      -X GET "https://api.gridscale.io/hybrid-core/v2/hybrid-cores/xy01/assets" | jq

referring to the hybrid core with ID xy01 in the URL path.

Running the same request using pagination then would look like

    $ curl -s \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -H "X-Auth-UserId: {USER_UUID}" \
      -H "X-Auth-Token: {API_TOKEN}" \
      -X GET "https://api.gridscale.io/hybrid-core/v2/hybrid-cores/xy01/assets?page\[size\]=50&page\[number\]=3" | jq

Same as for hybrid cores you also can have a look on just a specific asset either using the id as filter query parameter with syntax filter[id] at GET on the view with response holding several items or execute a GET request on an asset’s detail view using the ID of the hybrid core the asset belongs to as well as the ID of the asset as path paramters following the /hybrid-core/v2/hybrid-cores/:hybrid_core_id/assets/:asset_id route pattern.

To access the resources view of a hybrid core, e.g. with ID vv10, you would need to query as presented in code snippet below.

    $ curl -s \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -H "X-Auth-UserId: {USER_UUID}" \
      -H "X-Auth-Token: {API_TOKEN}" \
      -X GET "https://api.gridscale.io/hybrid-core/v2/hybrid-cores/vv10/resources" | jq