Microsoft SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft. As a database server, it is a software product with the primary function of storing and retrieving data as requested by other software applications


We currently support the Linux version of the SQL Server 2019 Standard Edition. Licence costs are included in the price.

Supported Features

The Linux version of SQL Server 2019 does not have the same feature-set as the Windows version. You can find a list of unsupported features here.

Performance Classes

In order to fulfill your requirements for your MS SQL Server workloads, we offer four performance classes - Standard (max. 4 Cores, 16GB RAM), High (max. 8 Cores, 32GB RAM), Insane (max. 16 Cores, 64GB RAM) and Ultra (max. 24 Cores, 96GB RAM).

CPU Limits & Autoscaling

Due to licencing, CPU autoscaling is deactivated. The Core limit depends on the Performance Class that you choose.

Storage Limits & Autoscaling

Our autoscaling Platform Services will scale according to the load of your application.

The maximum possible storage is 1TB. The current usage can been seen within the platform services metrics, and previous accumulated usage can bee seen within the Usage Dashboard.

Service Access

Once your PaaS service has been successfully created you can have the possibility to view the Service Access section within the detailed view for your service.

You have the option to include the credentials, password and/or the port. Using this section you can easily set, generate and copy several variants:

  • Connection String
  • Connection Parameters
  • Flags
  • PHP Data Object (PDO)
  • Data Source Name (DSN)

Backup and Restore

Creating backups with native Windows tools like SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio) are created on the local disk of the Platform Service.

Since this isn’t optimal for disaster recovery, it is possible to configure an Object Storage bucket, to be able to export and import backups.

To get started you will need a few things: A bucket that you would like to connect with the Platform Service. backup_bucket

  • This can be created in the Object Storage section of the Cloud Panel.

The Object Storage url where the bucket is located. backup_server_url

  • The default domain is

Your Object Storage access/secret keys. backup_access_key & backup_secret_key These can also be found in the Object Storage interface. Create one if they don’t exist.

You can then create, or edit your service to connect to the configured Object Storage via the API or Cloud Panel. Note: editing a service will prompt a restart.

To create the service via the API, just add the parameters shown below to a POST/PATCH request

  "parameters": {
    "backup_bucket": "",
    "backup_server_url": "",
    "backup_access_key": "",
    "backup_secret_key": "",
    "backup_retention": 0

Once configured, you can then create backups in the /data/backup directory. There is a listener on that directory that will export new backups created here over to your Object Storage. These backups are then available in /data/restore/bucket for restore. More on that in the Restore section.

The original backup files in /data/backup can either be removed immediately ("backup_retention": 0) after export to Object Storage or kept locally for a configurable retention period of up to 31 days. ("backup_retention": <1..2678400>)

Within that retention period, you will be able to restore backups from their original location in /data/backup as well.

This way backups are available for restore immediately, even before the export to Object Storage has been completed, and, due to direct disk access, restore from there is significantly faster than from Object Storage.

Retention period begins once SQL Server completed the backup, but removal will not be performed before the backup has been successfully exported to your Object Storage.


  • For as long as backup files are kept on the local disk, the size of these files will be charged for. Storage rates for the SQL Server platform services apply.
  • During export to Object Storage, the backup in transfer is made read-only for data integrity.


For restoring/importing data into the SQL Server, you can simply add Objects to the bucket which you configured above, and they will appear in the /data/restore/bucket directory of your filesystem.

There you will also find all backups that have been exported from /data/backup.

You may also restore backups from their original location in /data/backup for as long as they are in the retention period.