
gridscale’s Platform Services are split into four categories:

  • Managed Kubernetes (GSK)
  • Managed Databases
    • gridSQL
    • gridStore
  • Managed Load Balancers
  • Managed File System (gridFS)

“Managed” has a different meaning per service category, you can read more about that in their own sections.

Storage Performance Classes

All of our gridSQL and gridStore services are using the “insane” Distributed Storage Performance Class. Distributed Storage is used since there is built in redundancy within a location. The performance is as follows:

Storage ClassIOPSBandwidth
Distributed Storage (Insane)15000300 MBps

gridSQL and gridStore Storage Classes and Connections

Each service comes with its own set of Performance Classes. For autoscaling Platform Services this only increases RAM, and for Platform Services with static configurations like SQL Server, this configures the Cores and RAM. Connection limits depend on the performance class and the selected Managed Service.


All Platform Services are only available through Private Networks. When creating a Platform Service a (default) Private Network is automatically created, and the connection credentials can be found within the details of the Platform Service itself. To be able to connect to the Platform Service, your Server needs to be connected to same network that the Platform Service is connected to.

By default Platform Services are not accessible from the Internet. If you’d like to connect to it from a public network you need route the traffic through a proxy server.

Security Zones (DEPRECATED)

Security Zones connect your Platform Service to your infrastructure, and the network configuration is completely automated. For increased security they are Private Networks located in a separate zone and are not connected to the public Internet, allowing your service to run encapsulated. You can either use the default Security Zone or create and name your own Zone. You also have the option to enable your servers to access the database service by connecting them to your specified Security Zone.

Security Zones have been deprecated in favour of Private Networks.

Private Networks

Private Networks connect your Platform Service to your infrastructure.

A Private Network functions as a Layer 2 network.The network configuration is completely automated if DHCP is enabled for the Private Network. More details on how to enable DHCP for a Private network can be found in Network API Documentation.

You can either use an existing Private Network with DHCP-enabled or create a new one and connect it to your database service.

More details on how to connect the service with a Private Network PaaS API Documentation. Furthermore, you can access the database service from a server by connecting the server to the Private Network to which database service is connected.

Currently, PaaS services can be connected with Private Networks, which have a dhcp range within these subnets and Here are examples of a valid Private Network dhcp range:

  • 10.x.y.0/24
  • 192.168.x.0/24

The values of x and y are decimal values (from 0 to 254) and you can choose them as you want.


Will you offer more Platform Services in the future?

Yes, we will continue to expand and release more useful and helpful Platform Service offerings.

Who takes care of patch management?

Platform Services are subject to consistent quality and security control. Important security updates are installed automatically, whereas updates of functions (e.g. major updates) can be installed flexibly based on a date specified by the user.

How flexible are your Platform Services?

Our platform services adapt flexibly to your requirements. They grow and shrink automatically if desired, so that the right resources are always available for you.

Are further actions planned, if so which?

Yes, we are constantly working on expanding the list of Platform Services that we offer.

The feedback and ideas of our customers set the direction and will soon produce new triggers, filters and actions. This will give you direct access to our API and allow you to create, start or scale servers automatically!

How to connect GSK (Kubernetes) Cluster with a PaaS service?

As PaaS services can be connected to a private network, you can easily connect gridscale PaaS services with your Kubernetes Cluster. A tutorial on how to connect PaaS services with your Kubernetes Cluster as a Kubernetes service.

Is it possible to change the memory for a gridSQL?

At the moment it is not possible. You will have to dumb your database content and import that to the new gridSQL instance.

Is it possible to upgrade gridSQL to a new major version?

Not at the moment. Depending on the service we will apply patch or minor updates if needed. If you want to use a new major version you need to dump the database content and import that into the new gridSQL instance.

Do you offer Loadbalancers without any public IP?

Not at the moment.