Public API

Our RESTful API is a programming interface that allows you to access and send data directly to our systems using HTTPS requests, without needing to use a web GUI.

All the functionality you are already familiar with from the Cloud Panel is accessible through the API. Additionally, it includes some expert API-only methods which are not available through the Panel. It allows you to script any actions you require, regardless of their complexity.

API Documentation

The detailed API reference documentation can be found here.

API Tokens

When using the API, you will need your User UUID and an API Token for authentication. These tokens can be created in the API Token section in the Cloud Panel.

{%gs-only%} While creating an API Token, keep in mind that there are several access levels associated with API Tokens in addition to user access which you can read more about here. {%/gs-only%}

Each API Token belongs to one User and one specific project. By setting the access level, it is defined which functions the token gives access to:

  • Read-only
    • view resources and workloads in a project
  • Read and write (only possible if the User has at least Read+Write access to the related project)
    • change resources and workloads in a project
  • Admin (only possible if the User has Admin access to the related project)
    • change resources and workloads in a project
    • manage user access to the project
  • Unrestricted - The Token has the exact same permissions as the owning User.
    • in addition to the project access, this also enables the token to access account level APIs (e.g. Object Storage, account user relations), under the condition that the User has the necessary account access