Redis Cache

Redis is an in-memory data structure store, used as a distributed, in-memory key–value database, cache and message broker, with optional durability. Redis supports different kinds of abstract data structures, such as strings, lists, maps, sets, sorted sets, HyperLogLogs, bitmaps, streams, and spatial indexes. This is the Redis Cache variation of our gridstore Redis database.

Redis Cache has no data persistence active. If you are looking for Redis with data persistence choose Redis Store.

Performance Classes

In order to fulfill your requirements for your workloads, we offer four performance classes - Standard (max. 2GB RAM), High (max. 4GB RAM), Insane (max. 8GB RAM) and Ultra (max. 16GB RAM).

CPU Limits & Autoscaling

Due to how Redis works, only one CPU will ever be used. Therefore there is no autoscaling, and you can not set CPU limits.

Service Access

Once your PaaS service has been successfully created you can have the possibility to view the Service Access section within the detailed view for your service.

You have the option to include the credentials, password and/or the port. Using this section you can easily set, generate and copy several variants:

  • Connection String for redis-cli
  • Connection Parameters

Changing the Redis Password

Initially we create 2 users:

The default user is only used for healthchecks and has no access to the database. Do not use this user and do not change the password or access rights of this user. If you change the password or the access rights of this user, redis will be restarted after a while and the user will be reset to the initial state.

The admin user is the one you should use. It has full access to the database. The password in the panel is the initial password for this user. You can change the password of this user at any time.

  1. Connect to redis:

redis-cli -h $IP --user admin -a $PASSWORD

  1. View the current ACL settings:


Remember the hash of the initial password for the `admin`` user. Write it down for later.

  1. Create a secure password:

ACL GENPASS This will generate a secure password for you. Copy this password and remember it for later.

  1. Add the new password:


  1. Remove the initial password:

With ACL LIST you can now see the hashes of of the newly added and the initial password. Copy the hash of the initial password and delete the password with:


Since the password is available in the panel you can also remove the password without the hash:


More infomration about ACL SETUSER can be found the ACL SETUSER documentation.

  1. Save your changes to disk:

All changes made now are active but only in memory. To persist the changes after a crash or a maintenance you have to save them to disk: