GSK supports OIDC identity protocol, which allows you to connect third-party auth providers to your cluster.


There is a good in depth explanation on the Kuberetes docs how the auth flow works: OpenID Connect Tokens

What you will need to do in a broad overview:

  1. Configure your OIDC provider like Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Microsoft Azure AD)
  2. Setup GSK with OIDC parameters
  3. Generate a client secret on your Identity Provider
  4. Distribute the client secret to all people who need kubectl access
  5. Create a RoleBinding or ClusterRoleBinding for you users to Roles or ClusterRoles
  6. (optional) Setup kubelogin to have a better user experience and automatic auth flow via the browser
  7. Use kubectl with the correct context in order to use the OIDC users

IDP Setup

This highly depends on your OIDC provider. You need to get at least these things:

  1. Issuer URL (Is needed for GSK Setup)
  2. Client ID (Is needed for GSK Setup)
  3. Client Secret (Is needed for client Setup)

Lets imagine you got get these values from the IDP:

oidc-issuer-url https://sts.windows.net/1234-1234-1234-1234-1234/ \
oidc-client-id=5678-5678-5678-5678-5678 \
oidc-client-secret="some-client-secret" \

GSK Setup

The minimum needed config for OIDC to work are these settings:

  • k8s_oidc_enabled
  • k8s_oidc_issuer_url
  • k8s_oidc_client_id

This will basically allow your azure users to authorize against the cluster and does not make much sense. You most likely want to use groups and specific users to authorize against the cluster. Therefore you will follow this example with groups and users:

  "name": "oidc-cluster",
  "paas_service_template_uuid": "<UUID of GSK template>",
	"parameters": {
		"k8s_worker_node_count": 1,
		"k8s_worker_node_cores": 2,
		"k8s_worker_node_ram": 8,
		"k8s_worker_node_storage_type": "storage_insane",
		"k8s_worker_node_storage": 30,
    "k8s_oidc_enabled": true,
    "k8s_oidc_issuer_url": "https://sts.windows.net/1234-1234-1234-1234-1234/",
    "k8s_oidc_client_id": "5678-5678-5678-5678-5678",
    "k8s_oidc_groups_claim": "groups",
    "k8s_oidc_username_claim": "email"

This will setup GSK cluster with the JWT claims email and groups in the JWT payload.

This will allow all users in the IDP to authenticate against the k8s cluster. The authorization (what a user can do) is still missing. For this the users need to be mapped to a Roles or ClusterRoles.

Since the users from your IDP are not to allowed to interact with the cluster yet, an admin needs to setup a ClusterRoleBinding or RoleBinding for authorization. That can easily be done with the generated kubeconfig. The kubeconfig can be obtained by downloading in the panel or using gscloud.

This example will map the user surname@example.com and the groups admins to the cluster-admin role.

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: cluster-admins-from-azure
  apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: cluster-admin
- apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
  kind: User
  name: "surname@example.com"
- apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
  kind: Group
  name: "admins"

Now users from the IDP are allowed to interact with the cluster.

Client Setup

kubectl does allow to use plugins. These plugins can provide benefits like making the auth flow easier. Since the tokens from IDP are short lived you want tooling which will take care of the renewal of tokens automatically. You are using kubelogin for this.

Install kubelogin according to their docs.

Test if you get a token:

kubectl-oidc_login get-token \
  --oidc-issuer-url https://sts.windows.net/1234-1234-1234-1234-1234/ \
  --oidc-client-id=5678-5678-5678-5678-5678 \
  --oidc-client-secret="some-client-secret" \
  --oidc-extra-scope="email groups"

If this worked you can continue with creating the “azure” user:

kubectl config set-credentials azure \
  --exec-api-version=client.authentication.k8s.io/v1beta1 \
  --exec-command=kubectl \
  --exec-arg=oidc-login \
  --exec-arg=get-token \
  --exec-arg=--oidc-issuer-url=https://sts.windows.net/1234-1234-1234-1234-1234/ \
  --exec-arg=--oidc-client-id=5678-5678-5678-5678-5678 \
  --exec-arg=--oidc-client-secret="some-client-secret" \
  --exec-arg=--oidc-extra-scope="email groups"

Now you need to create a context for the user to use the created cluster. Get a list of your clusters:

kubectl config get-clusters

Create a new context for the new user:

kubectl config set-context oidc-cluster --cluster=oidc-cluster --user=azure

Switch the context to the new user:

kubectl config use-context azure@oidc-cluster

Now you should be able to access the cluster:

kubectl get pods -A

Available Parameters

All available parameters for OIDC. Changing these parameters will restart the kube-apiserver which leads a to a small Kubernetes API downtime for a few seconds.


Enable or disable oidc.

Available values: true or false


URL of the provider that allows the API server to discover public signing keys. Only URLs that use the https:// scheme are accepted. This is typically the provider’s discovery URL, changed to have an empty path.


A client id that all tokens must be issued for.


JWT claim to use as the user name. By default sub, which is expected to be a unique identifier of the end user. Admins can choose other claims, such as email or name, depending on their provider. However, claims other than email will be prefixed with the issuer URL to prevent naming clashes with other plugins.


Prefix prepended to username claims to prevent clashes with existing names (such as system: users).

For example, the value oidc: will create usernames like oidc:jane.doe. If this flag isn’t provided and k8s_oidc_username_claim is a value other than email the prefix defaults to ( Issuer URL )# where ( Issuer URL ) is the value of k8s_oidc_issuer_url. The value - can be used to disable all prefixing.


JWT claim to use as the user’s group.


Prefix prepended to group claims to prevent clashes with existing names (such as system: groups). For example, the value oidc: will create group names like oidc:engineering and oidc:infra.


A key=value pair that describes a required claim in the ID Token. If set, the claim is verified to be present in the ID Token with a matching value.

Add multiple key values pairs separated by comma like so: key1=value1,key2=value2


The certificate for the CA that signed your identity provider’s web certificate. Defaults to the host’s root CAs.

If you want to use a ca.pem file in a json payload the payload needs to be escaped. Here an example how to escape the ca.pem with the Lets Encrypt Root CA:

awk '{printf "%s\\n", $0}' isrgrootx1.pem

-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n


The signing algorithms accepted. Default is “RS256”. Another option is “R512”.


In order to properly debug the OIDC configuration you will need the kube-apiserver logs. Enable log shipping in order to see those logs.


kubelogin will store all tokens in ~/.kube/cache/oidc-login/.

You can get a token from there and ues https://jwt.ms/ in order to see the payload and all its claims with explanation for debugging purpose.
